
Donations are used very effectively

An average of 98% of the donations received goes directly to the Philippines to support the education of sponsored students. Overhead costs average only two percent because we are a totally volunteer organization and make effective use of technology. All work is done by unselfish, talented, passionate volunteers.

How to donate

Note: BELIEVE International is registered with the United States IRS as a non-profit 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization – your contribution is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

You can donate to BELIEVE International in two ways:

  1. Donate online
  2. Donating online allows you to immediately select and sponsor a specific student or make a general donation, by credit card or PayPal. -- Donate Online NOW!

  3. Print and mail a completed Donation Form:
  4. If you prefer to donate by check, print and fill out a Donation Form (PDF). You can sponsor a specific student by entering his or her Student ID# and name on the form. Send the completed form and check to:

    BELIEVE International
    P.O. Box 711533
    Salt Lake City, UT 84171-1533

Sponsor a Student

A donation of as little as $18 per month will support a child’s education for an entire year.

Your donation will not only help a deserving student today, but it will also have a long-term impact on his or her family, community, and nation because we teach sponsored students to live VALUES-BASED LIVES. In addition to helping them attend school, our unpaid volunteers teach and mentor them in values and positive social behaviors.

As they follow this example of unselfish service they will become leaders with a positive influence on those around them.

  • The values and skills the students gain will move them forward to become the leaders of tomorrow.
  • When they finish their own education many of them will also sponsor or help other students, thus multiplying the benefit of your donation.
  • Over their lifetimes, the positive influence they will have on their families, communities and nation will be immeasurable.

© 2007-2015 Believe International, All rights reserved