Sponsor a Student

Providing an education for your own child can be difficult. But imagine having to choose between food and your child's education. Education is simply beyond reach for large numbers of children in the Philippines.

The cost of sending a Filipino child to high school and college averages just $18 per month. This includes funding for things such as school fees/tuition, school uniform, supplies, projects, and activities.

Keep in Touch

Students write letters to their sponsors every school year to share how the sponsorships are affecting their lives. If you choose to reply, your letters are delivered through BELIEVE and your address remains confidential.

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    You may:
  • Select a specific student to sponsor by clicking on his/her photo on the left,
  • Or (below) ask us to select a student for you to sponsor,
  • Or, donate to the General Fund (which is used to expand to new areas and sponsor students currently without a sponsorship).

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